El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail Association 2018 Annual Membership Meeting

Friday, Oct 12, 2018 at 4:00 PM to Saturday, Oct 13, 2018 at 6:30 PM CST

303 Blum, San Antonio, Texas, 78205, United States

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Sale ended

General Admission (Association Members) Partial Approval - Free

One general admission ticket for current members of the association.

sales ended

La Villita Signage Dedication Partial Approval - Free

One registration for La Villita Signage Dedication. Dedication will occur on the corner of South Alamo and Villita Streets.

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Saturday Lunch Partial Approval - $30.00

Ticket for one Saturday lunch at the Annual Meeting.

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General Admission (Non-Members) Partial Approval - $26.75

One general admission for a non-member of the association and includes a one-year membership in the association at a $10 discounted rate.

Sale ended

Friday Dinner Partial Approval - $22.00

One Friday dinner at Con Safos Restaurant with Keynote Speaker, Frank de la Teja. Dinner options will include burger tacos, pan dulce burgers, fries or tots, fruit cups, and aguas frescas.

sales ended

Guided Archaeological Tour Partial Approval - $16.50

Tour of Spanish ranchos including The Perez Rancho and Rancho de las Cabras

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Friday, Oct 12, 2018 at 4:00 PM to Saturday, Oct 13, 2018 at 6:30 PM CST

La Quinta Inn & Suites, 303 Blum, San Antonio, Texas, 78205, United States.

El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail Association

2018 Annual Meeting


An SA 300th Event and 50th Anniversary Celebration of the National Trails System


FRIDAY (October 12th)

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Reception and Dedication of La Villita as official trail resource with remarks by elected officials and agency representatives

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM: Dinner at Con Safos with Speaker, Dr. Jesus "Frank" de la Teja. Presentation - Cattle Drives and Cattle Society in 18th-Century San Antonio.


SATURDAY (October 13th)

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Registration and Check-In

9:00 AM - 9:10 AM: Welcome and Introductions

9:15 AM - 10:00 AM: Presentation - A Long Journey on the El Camino Real: A Short Visit With the Caddo, Tony Souther, site manager of Caddo Mounds State Historic Site

10:00 AM - 10:10 AM: Break

10:10 AM - 11:00 AM: Presentation - 18th-Century Spanish Colonial Mission Historic Cultural Landscapes: Caminos Reales, Mission Ranchos, Architecture, and Genealogy as Archaeological Artifacts, Sergio and Melinda Iruegas of GTI Environmental, LLC.

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM: National Park Service Update on the Trail

11:30 AM - 11:50 PM: Membership Business (Vote on Bylaws Amendments and Board of Directors)

11:50 AM - 12:00 PM: Break

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Lunch

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Break

1:30 PM - 6:30 PM: Tour of Spanish Mission Ranchos (Ruiz Rancho and Rancho de las Cabras)

6:30 PM: Conclusion of Meeting/Dinner on Your Own

Cancellation policy

There will be a $20 cancellation fee on all cancelled orders and refunds will be submitted shortly after the meeting occurs. 

El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail Association


El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail Association seeks to protect the historic integrity of the trail, to educate and engage the public about its significance, and to promote resource development, interpretation, and tourism along its path.

Contact the Organizer